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Siirry alas  Viesti [Sivu 1 / 1]

1Sivuvaunukoirat Empty Sivuvaunukoirat Pe Maalis 27 2015, 08:58



välitän viestin kerholaisille Hakomaan Harrilta. 


Kerhossamme on varmasti monta motoristia jotka vaunuilevat koiran kanssa? Leffatähdeksi tulevaan elokuvaan? 
Laittaisitko tämän näkyviin hetkeksi johonkin näkyvään paikkaan?
Kyseinen KickStarter kampanja kestää [url=x-apple-data-detectors://0]5. huhtikuuta[/url] asti. Eli aikaa on hyvin vähän, 7 päivää.

Terv. Harri

Hello Friends,
We are so thrilled that you've decided to take another ride with us– and we have great news.  The Kickstarter campaign for Sit Stay Ride just reached the halfway point!  50% of the way to our destination.  And since we are not yet halfway through our 14 day campaign, that's REALLY great news.
But– (and there's always a but), Kickstarter campaigns are notorious for slowing WAY down as they reach the halfway point. We took a risk doing such a short campaign, but all signs indicate that backers prefer to get it over soon than later.  We believe that the support is there to knock this out in the next few days.
So, if you would help us make a push– shoot an email to any friends or cohorts who might be crazy (and interesting) enough to help fund a documentary about dogs in sidecars, post to your social media sites, and shout about it on any forums you might frequent, we can get this campaign into the history books and start making the movie. The links are below for your convenience.
We have also decided to produce a backer-only iron-on motorcycle patch that will be an additional souvenir of this magical campaign.  Whether on a leather jacket, your pooch's vest, or on a tool bag, you're going to love it.
Kickstarter url: http://www.sidecardogs.com
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/sidecardogs
Direct link to the Kickstarter trailer: https://vimeo.com/122854084
Thanks again for your on-going help and support.
Warm Regards,
Eric, Geneva, Essie, Captain, and Godfrey.


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